
In a few days I'm going to make a post with an idea I have come up with for makeup/hair/outfit for valentines day, but today I'm going to just post some pictures that I have seen around which I think will be really cute for valentines day! ❤ I think the colour pink is always perfect on valentines, whatever shade, whether it's the darkest or palest! Whether it's a light shade on your eyelid, or a bright pink top or skirt! It's a very girly, pretty and feminine colour I think, and I think Valentines day is a day where women and girls bring out their natural beauty with these warm toned colours and show their femininity!

In a way, I always wondered, and still wonder, why pink and red are actually associated with Valentines day, I even looked it up! I find the actual description as to why pretty interesting, and a very lovely way of looking at it, even with science!

"The colour pink symbolises love. It’s softer than the passion that red brings to mind. In colour psychology pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self worth and acceptance. Pink makes us crave sugar. Out of all the colours pink is the sweetest (cakes are supposed to taste sweeter if served up on pink plates!).

Pink has a calming effect. It causes the hypothalamus to signal the adrenal glands to slow their secretions, thus reducing heart rate and blocking anger (Science Digest). It’s used in some prisons to diffuse aggressive behaviour. This effect has been used in sport. Sport’s teams sometimes paint the locker room, to be used by their opposing teams, pink to neutralise them! Some studies of the colour pink suggest that male weightlifters seem to lose strength in pink rooms."


Along with this, I really love making an effort even if I'm not going out anywhere special too, it's fun and I don't think anyone (especially if you don't have a partner) should stay in, sulking and drowning their forever alone attitude with icecream and romcoms, at least do it with a bunch of your single friends! Have a girly day out shopping, have a coffee date, go for a run, do something, that at the end of the day, will make you look back on the day as fun or productive!

Saying that, this year, for the first time, will be a valentines day that I actually have a boyfriend, which is quite special for me! I'm sure there are lots of you experiencing this too, which is rather exciting, even if you don't do anything remotely special! ❤

Here are some pictures that I found from WEHEARTIT, which I thought were really pretty!


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