☺Getting my Summer body in gear! AB + BUTT WORKOUT ☺
14:02This year (I say this every year but lets hope I mean it now) I am determined to have a fit body, ready for the bikini season, but in general, just to be healthy and have a body I love! I've created a workout based on finding fitness routines online and I'm just going to share with you my favorite workouts down below- as a reference for me, somewhere I can go quickly to access them, and to share them with anyone who reads this!
Crunches x20
Toe reaches x20
Sumo squats + weight x15
Pendulum Hops x 30
V-sit ups, x15
Squat jumps x 10
FINALLY, finish with 30 second plank.
Going to try and do this every day/every other day! Hopefully I'll see some results! Comment below if you try it out :)